Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 3: The Beginning Of The End

Travis and his boys refused to help out today, I think they're all torn up over finding the Cahill family yesterday. I still can't the image of them out of my head. My boys and the Baton Rouge team will have to pull a little more weight today, that's all. I caught some of the news this morning, I guess the situation in LA is deteriorating, over 400 people are reported as being sick at this time. Nothing particularly dangerous, according to the sources, but it's only been a couple of days since this all started. The CDC made a statement urging everyone who was in the terminal at the time of the blast, but got out before the place was locked down, to report to a nearby hospital for a check up. They also urged everyone in the LA area to schedule a flu shot ASAP. Like that will do shit if this is a viral attack.

Julia called this morning, she's still scheduled to head home tomorrow. I'll feel better when all my people are in one place. I also talked to my brother, Steve, this morning. He lives in Tampa, on the west coast of Florida. We shot the shit for a while about this whole LA thing. His theory is that this was done by someone from here, not a terrorist organization. He claims some crazy right-wing, Obama hating, organization did this to test him. I'd like to think Steve is full of shit, but who the hell knows at this point? Terrorist groups usually jump on situations like this and take credit immediately. Anonymity makes people brave.

Weather is warming up a little, but I feel like I've got a bit of a cold coming on. Let me say, with what happened in LA two days ago, I'm a bit nervous, even though I'm across the country from the incident. Julia's still on schedule to go home tomorrow, and the kids and Abigail are fine, talked to them all this morning. Reggie spoke to his sister, Brenda, as well. She and her family are headed for Sacramento, she said things aren't panicky in LA, but she thinks it may get ugly in the next few days, especially if this situation starts to show up outside of the quarantine area.

Gotta go, I'll update later.


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