Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 5: The Beginning Of The End Part II

We finished up what we could and got on the road. It's snowing again and the driving is treacherous, so we're taking our time. Julia is stuck in Tallahassee, I-10 is a mess, she plans on getting an early start tomorrow, I forbade her to drive at night. Jerry Frankel, our local FEMA contact was a bit pissed that we pulled up stakes, but given what's been going on lately he really couldn't muster up too much of an argument.

Rumors of more infected individuals being executed in LAX, apparently the sickness has a second stage that sends the infected into a rage, causing them to lash out and attack anyone in sight. Not sounding good at all. More cases reported. Seattle, Cleveland, Guam, Hong Kong and Sydney Australia. Countries have begun to close down their airports, much like we did. The whole world feels like it's holding it's collective breath, waiting to see just what exactly is going to happen.

I'm going to catch a couple hours sleep before it's my turn to drive.


Day 5: The Beginning Of The End

Huge accident on I-10 has Julia stuck in traffic for a good four hours already, she's frustrated and a bit scared. Turns out more infections have shown up, two in Denver, one in Montreal, six more in New York, four in Miami, three in Houston and a whopping ten in Boston. The word Epidemic is starting to show up in every news cast. The CDC is requesting that anyone with any flu like symptoms call their 800 number and they will take it from there.

My cold seems to have run it's course, I guess alcohol does kill germs. Even if it didn't I'd be damned if I let the CDC throw me in a room to die. I guess that's a selfish attitude, but fuck it all, that's the way I feel.

Frank Buckley, one of the morning news anchors for LA's KTLA, reported this morning that there is a rumor of severe complications in the TBIT. Apparently one of the victims that was in a coma suddenly rose up and attacked a member of the CDC. Rumor has it that the still un-named victim was shot to death during the incident. The National Guard has increased the amount of soldiers on-site in case this situation comes about again. Citing an anonymous source, Buckley stated that most of the infected individuals have slipped into comas, but other than the the shooting victim, no-one has died yet.

We're leaving tonight, no matter how far along we get with the power restoration. I don't care if FEMA docks our pay or not, we all want to get home to our families.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 4: The Beginning Of The End Part II

Big trouble. Three more incidents appeared in NYC, all of them folks that traveled from LAX to La Guardia. Things aren't looking good. A local LA TV station claims to be sitting on an eyewitness to bad stuff that happened in the TBIT. Claims their eyewitness is still locked away in the terminal, but he or she has a cell phone and has been communicating with one of the talking heads at the station. I haven't seen any transcripts or heard any sound bites yet, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I'm sure they're waiting for the right moment. I'm wiped out beyond wiped out. We worked hard today and I'm sore as a bitch. 1500 mg of Acetometaphine and four fingers of bourbon have made my eyes a bit heavy. I think we're gonna hit the road tomorrow afternoon, no matter how much we get done. Julia is already on the road, last I spoke to her she was stopping at a Day's Inn in Louisiana. Can't wait to get home.

Day 4: The Beginning Of The End

Bad news today. Really bad. Four cases of H5N1-S, or the Big Bird Flu, as the mediots are referring to it have been discovered in New York City. I guess a family that flew into LAX from Singapore escaped the TBIT before lock down and caught a flight from San Diego to NYC, bringing a very dangerous passenger with them. They're isolated in a Manhattan hospital, and the CDC is already on scene. Another case was discovered in Chicago, and one was discovered in Tokyo. Our President came on and assured us that every precaution was being taken and that there is nothing to worry about.

Bullshit. How about all the people that took the flight with that family to NYC? How about all the people that breathed the air from the businessman that infected Chicago, or rode a bus with the woman in Tokyo? One of our so-called precautions is all flights have been cancelled domestic, and international as well. Julia is beside herself, trying to arrange for a car rental so she can drive home. I'm ready to walk off this job early and head back myself, but I don't want to jump the gun. If these few incidents are contained things should be alright. Plus there's been no indication (yet) that the virus can go airborne. Reggie and Gary are ready to follow my lead, we've been working as a team for almost 10 years and they trust my judgement as much as I trust theirs.

I talked to Abigail, and at my request she's keeping the kids out of school and in the house until further notice. In fact, they're all heading down to her condo this morning. I told her to call me the moment they arrive, with all the cancelled flights the roads are going to be full of pissed off travelers in rental cars. What a clusterfuck.

The only good news is they've separated the non-infected travelers from the sick ones at LAX, put them in a totally separate building. They could be released in as little as seven days. The ones that are infected are holding on for the most part, but it's been reported that three of them have slipped into a coma. Still no-one recovering. If things get any stranger I may be pulling out of here as early as tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day3: The Beginning Of The End Part II

Woohoo! We restored power to downtown Pleasureville today! What a feeling of accomplishment that was! The next few days should be enough for us to restore the fallen lines that lead out to the still dark houses. The Mayor of Pleasureville (and the owner of the local butcher shop) Danny McCray thanked us all profusely, he looked as if he would cry. Travis and his gang of locals ended up showing up around noon, he apologized for missing the early part of the day and we shook hands. He was under no obligation in my mind, but his (and his gangs) participation was more than welcome.

No real news out of LA, status quo, so to speak, at least so far. The spokesman for the CDC said that the illness was indeed a strain of influenza, the flu. In fact it seems that it's a mutated version of the H5N1 strain, which became notorious during the 90s as the bird flu. There were still no reported deaths from the virus, and no more people in the terminal had come down with it since yesterday. Maybe they contained it. I keep hoping so.

Our President made another statement, praising the CDC for their hard work, thanking the residents of LA for keeping things in control and apologizing to the infected individuals and their families for the inconvenience they were experiencing. He also assured us all (or at least tried to) that this was an isolated incident, and one that would not be repeated. He's a hell of a talker, I'll grant him that.

Julia is excited about getting home to the kids tomorrow and looking forward to my return on Friday, I assured her that we were still on schedule. Abigail and the kids spoke to me briefly as well, Joe Jr reminding me about the dog he wants when I get home, he's already got a name for him: Rufus. When he told me that I felt the blood drain from my face. It was, of course, a coincidence, but a scary motherfucker of a coincidence, to say the least. Gary, Reggie, the guys from Baton Rouge and myself are all headed to the newly revived downtown to join the locals that stuck around for a few drinks. I'll write more tomorrow.


Day 3: The Beginning Of The End

Travis and his boys refused to help out today, I think they're all torn up over finding the Cahill family yesterday. I still can't the image of them out of my head. My boys and the Baton Rouge team will have to pull a little more weight today, that's all. I caught some of the news this morning, I guess the situation in LA is deteriorating, over 400 people are reported as being sick at this time. Nothing particularly dangerous, according to the sources, but it's only been a couple of days since this all started. The CDC made a statement urging everyone who was in the terminal at the time of the blast, but got out before the place was locked down, to report to a nearby hospital for a check up. They also urged everyone in the LA area to schedule a flu shot ASAP. Like that will do shit if this is a viral attack.

Julia called this morning, she's still scheduled to head home tomorrow. I'll feel better when all my people are in one place. I also talked to my brother, Steve, this morning. He lives in Tampa, on the west coast of Florida. We shot the shit for a while about this whole LA thing. His theory is that this was done by someone from here, not a terrorist organization. He claims some crazy right-wing, Obama hating, organization did this to test him. I'd like to think Steve is full of shit, but who the hell knows at this point? Terrorist groups usually jump on situations like this and take credit immediately. Anonymity makes people brave.

Weather is warming up a little, but I feel like I've got a bit of a cold coming on. Let me say, with what happened in LA two days ago, I'm a bit nervous, even though I'm across the country from the incident. Julia's still on schedule to go home tomorrow, and the kids and Abigail are fine, talked to them all this morning. Reggie spoke to his sister, Brenda, as well. She and her family are headed for Sacramento, she said things aren't panicky in LA, but she thinks it may get ugly in the next few days, especially if this situation starts to show up outside of the quarantine area.

Gotta go, I'll update later.
